
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the ear provides acupressure points that correspond to each part of the body. When a point is stimulated by pressure, adhesive pellets, or needles, the smooth and abundant flow of “Qi” or vital life energy returns to the related organ or area, allowing healing to take place.

In these trainings, you will learn acupressure ear seed protocols for relieving stress, pain, anxiety and other conditions. Points are easy to locate on the surface of the ear and are chosen are based upon Oriental medical theory, and clinical indication. All the points serve to balance the body’s energy and assist the body’s healing processes.

Here is a short video on using one ear acupressure point for stress, anxiety, depression, sleeplessness.

Online Courses

Acutherapy for Stress Reduction - Online

With this course you will learn how to use Acutherapy (Ear acupressure seeds) for Stress reduction. Acutherapy has been used by our Medical Reserve Corps for stress reduction after natural and manmade disasters, both for those affected directly and for the first responders who provided the care.

The protocol can be used to treat substance use addiction, anxiety, sleeplessness, pain, digestive and other symptoms associated with acute stress.  Our team has used the basic protocol in NM after wildfires, mass shootings, student suicides, fire or police department deaths, parade deaths, for asylum seekers, and for Covid patients. We also teach Acutherapy for several common conditions such as high blood pressure, palpitations, stress reduction etc.

Cost: $25 Individual: $60 groups of three - please contact us for log in.

All proceeds go to support our team -  NM Integrative Wellness Medical Reserve Corps

If you are a Medical Reserve Corp or Fire Department Volunteer, please send an email and we will send you a direct link to the training.

In Person Courses

Ear Acupressure Seeds for Addictions, Anxiety and Stress

If you would like to attend a future training please email us to go on the notifications list.

There are currently no in-person classes.

Register Here

More Information: Training Handout

Class: $40 each


In this Four Hour Class you will learn the ear acupressure seed technique and point locations for treating addictions, anxiety and stress. Once you have completed the class, you will be able to use your skills immediately with family, friends and your community to help decrease stress, anxiety, symptoms from substance use withdrawal, and other behavioral health issues.

This class works best when taught in groups of multiples of three: one model, one ear-seeder, and one to critique or discuss point location with. You will all three switch roles throughout the class. Multiples of two or four are ok also.

Materials provided per person: 1.5 oz playdoh or other modelling clay; 6+ toothpicks; 20 earseeds. Please bring a Medical mask.

Intro to Ear Seed Acu-Wellness in Prehospital/ Disaster Setting

by arrangement with Eleni Fredlund, LMHC, LAc, EMT-I

Registered NADA Trainer, and Acudetox Specialist


Time: On Request – minimum of 6 participants

Materials Fee

Registration: Email instructor with intent to participate.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the ear provides acupressure points that correspond to each part of the body. When a point is stimulated by pressure, adhesive pellets, or needles, the smooth and abundant flow of “Qi” or vital life energy returns to the related organ or area, allowing healing to take place.

In this training, you will learn the 3 ear-pellet stress reduction protocol, which includes Shen Men, Liver, and Lung auricular points. These points are easy to locate on the surface of the ear. The three points chosen are based upon Oriental medical theory, and clinical indication. All the points serve to balance the body’s energy and assist the body’s healing processes. Together the combined effect of these 3 points, (referred to as yin tonification in Oriental medicine and parasympathetic toning in Western Medicine), restore calm, and have been found to improve ability to sleep, reduce muscle aches, and reduce symptoms of depression, anxiety, and intrusive thoughts.

Manual, play dough for making ears, and ear pellets will be provided for this training. Come and learn a non-intrusive coping skill for stress reduction, and then bring it to your community!

Ear Seed Acu-wellness for Highschool Students

By arrangement with Eleni Fredlund, LMHC, LAc, EMT-I
Registered NADA Trainer, and Acudetox Specialist

Acu-wellness is a great tool to help students relax during times of high stress such as exam times. In this class we teach students to apply the ear acupressure seeds to the Shenmen point which helps calm anxiety, stress, etc. This training is open to all highschool students.


Public Health Acupuncture New Mexico

(505) 232-7654

PO Box 35863 Albuquerque, NM 87176